Friday, March 13, 2015


written by George Elliot (Mary Anne Evans)  began writing it in 1869.
Started reading it 3-13-2014
Finished reading on 4-14-2014
A very long story and seemed to take more than a month to read.

After getting most main characters into deep trouble final few pages tells what happened to all in the future, with a good and surprising ending. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


written by William Shakespeare  (1599-1602)

Started reading 3/11/2015
Completed reading 3/13/2015

A fast read.  It is written as a play with instructions for the players.
Not as good as reading a  novel or historical story.
Probably much more appreciated if viewing a real live play with live characters.

Most of the characters are dead at the end.